Burma-Shave Jingles and Grade Crossing Safety

From 1927 to 1963, Burma-Vita, makers of Burma-Shave shaving cream, conducted an advertising campaign that consisted of highway signs containing little jingles that ended with the name of the product. (For more history, click here.)

Many of the jingles related to driving safety in general; and six of those, reproduced below, were about grade crossing safety in particular. (For more jingles, click here.)

From 1940:
Guys whose eyes
Are in
Their backs
Get halos crossing
Railroad tracks

From 1941:
Remember this
If you’d
Be spared
Trains don’t whistle
Because they’re scared

From 1942:
A crossing
Without looking
Who will eat
His widow’s cooking?

From 1949:
He saw
The train
And tried to duck it
Kicked first the gas
And then the bucket

From 1950:
He tried
To cross
As fast train neared
Death didn’t draft him
He volunteered

From 1951:
Train approaching
Whistle squealing
Avoid that
Rundown feeling!

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