PDP-8 Photo

Bill Seymour

Digital Equipment Corporation’s PDP-8 is generally credited with being the first really popular minicomputer and thus beginning the paradigm shift away from the notion that a computer was necessarily a multi-million-dollar collection of Big Blue Boxes.

The PDP-8 was a von Neumann machine with up to 32k 12-bit words of memory in increments of 4k. The “Straight-8” used discrete transistors on flip chips and magnetic core memory with a 1.5µs cycle time. The later PDP-8/I used TTL integrated circuits; and the even later PDP-8/e, the most popular model, was a little faster at 1.2µs.

Arithmetic was done in a hardware register called the accumulator using two’s-complement representation. Overflow would simply toggle a one-bit extension called the link; so addition would wrap modulo 213. Some models had an optional multiplier/quotient (MQ) register which served as fast temporary storage when doing multiplications and divisions. There were also several different models, with slightly different instructions, of an optional extended arithmetic element (EAE) which made multiplications and divisions even easier.

(The above photo and the front-panel photo below are from Paul Pierce’s PDP-8 collection.)

The Front Panel

Front Panel Photo

The round gray spots in the middle and the light gray lettering on the right have incandescent light bulbs behind them. They light up to show the contents of the various hardware registers, which is useful when single-stepping for debugging purposes. It’s also fun to write tricky programs that make the lights light up in ways that humans find amusing. 8-)

In addition to twelve data switches, called the switch register, there are:

START Start Begin program execution
LOAD ADD Load Address Load program counter from switch register
DEP Deposit Store switch register into memory addressed by program counter
EXAM Examine Load accumulator from memory addressed by program counter
(The contents of the accumulator would be visible on front-panel lights.)
CONT Continue Resume program execution
STOP Stop Halts program execution at the end of the current instruction
SING STEP Single Step When up, causes CONT to execute just one memory cycle
SING INST Single Instruction When up, causes CONT to execute just one instruction

To the left of the switch register, there are six additional switches, three for the data field and three for the instruction field, which also get loaded when the user hits LOAD ADD. (A field is a 4k block of memory. The PDP-8 can have up to eight of them.)

The PDP-8 Instruction Set

PDP-8 instructions use three bits for the opcode. There are six memory-reference instructions with opcodes 0 through 5, I/O instructions with opcode 6, and operate microinstructions, which perform a variety of operations on hardware registers, with opcode 7.

Given the 12-bit word length, when thinking about the PDP-8, think octal.

Memory-Reference Instructions
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Opcode I P Address
Opcode Mnemonic Meaning
0 AND Bitwise and
1 TAD Two’s-complement add
2 ISZ Increment, skip if zero
3 DCA Deposit and clear the accumulator
4 JMS Jump to subroutine
5 JMP Jump
I 0 Direct addressing
1 Indirect addressing
P 0 Page 0
1 The page from which the instruction was fetched
The AND instruction computes the bitwise logical product of the accumulator and the contents of the referenced location and stores the result in the accumulator.
The TAD instruction adds the contents of the referenced location to the accumulator. Overflow toggles the link.
The ISZ instruction increments the contents of the referenced location and skips the next instruction if the result is zero.
The DCA instruction stores the contents of the accumulator in the referenced location and then clears the accumulator.
The JMS instruction stores the address of the next instruction at the referenced location, then jumps to the referenced location plus one. (Return from the subroutine would be done with a jump indirect through the JMS instruction’s effective address.)
The JMP instruction jumps to the referenced location.
Addresses 108 through 178 on page 0 are auto-increment locations. When accessed as indirect addresses, their contents are incremented before being read.
A page contains 128 12-bit words, the amount of memory that can be addressed by the seven address bits in a memory-reference instruction. A field contains 32 pages for a total of 4k words, the amount of memory that can be addressed by a full 12-bit address. A PDP-8 can have up to eight fields for a total of 32k words of memory. There are I/O instructions for switching between memory fields; and instructions and data need not necessarily come from the same field.

I/O Instructions
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
6 Device Pulse
Some Canonical Device Assignments
Device Used For
00 Internal CPU control
01 High-speed paper tape reader
02 High-speed paper tape punch
03 TTY keyboard, low-speed paper tape reader
04 TTY printer, low-speed paper tape punch
2x Extended memory unit
60-62 DF32D random-access disk drive
76,77 DECTAPE random-access tape drive
A Few Examples
Device Pulse Mnemonic Operation
00 1 ION Interrupts on
2 IOF Interrupts off
01 1 RSF Skip on high-speed paper tape reader flag
2 RRB Bitwise-or HS reader buffer into accumulator
4 RCF Clear HS reader flag, begin reading next character
03 1 KSF Skip on TTY keyboard flag
2 KCC Clear accumulator and TTY keyboard flag,
begin reading low-speed paper tape reader
4 KRS Bitwise-or keyboard buffer into accumulator
6 KRB Microcoded KCC KRS
04 1 TSF Skip on TTY printer flag
2 TCF Clear TTY printer flag
4 TPC Write accumulator to TTY printer
6 TLS Microcoded TCF TPC
2x 1 CDF Change data field to x
2 CIF Change instruction field to x
3 CDF CIF Change both fields to x
21 4 RDF Read data field into accumulator bits 6–8
22 RIF Read instruction field into accumulator bits 6–8
CDF takes effect immediately. The data field is used only for computing the effective address when doing indirect addressing. Directly addressed operands, and indirect addresses themselves, are accessed from the current instruction field.
CIF just saves the new field number in an internal register. The new instruction field doesn’t actually take effect until the next JMP or JMS instruction.

Operate Microinstructions
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
**MQA   **MQL       **1
* With bit 8 clear, SMA, SZA and SNL are logically ored to determine whether to skip. With bit 8 set, SPA, SNA and SZL are logically anded; and bits 5, 6 and 7 all clear with bit 8 set yields an unconditional skip.
** Available only with optional multiplier/quotient (MQ) register. The extended arithmetic element (EAE) option expands on these instructions greatly.
Group 1 (bit 3 clear)
CLA 1 Clear the accumulator
CLL 1 Clear the link
CMA 2 Complement the accumulator
CML 2 Complement the link
RAR 4 Rotate accumulator and link right
RAL 4 Rotate accumulator and link left
RTR 4 Rotate twice right
RTL 4 Rotate twice left
IAC 3 Increment the accumulator
Group 2 (bit 3 set, bit 11 clear)
CLA 2 Clear the accumulator
SMA 1 Skip on minus accumulator
SPA 1 Skip on positive accumulator
SZA 1 Skip on zero accumulator
SNA 1 Skip on non-zero accumulator
SNL 1 Skip on non-zero link
SZL 1 Skip on zero link
OSR 3 Bitwise-or switch register into accumulator
HLT 3 Halt
Group 3 (bits 3 and 11 set)
CLA 1 Clear the accumulator
MQA 2 Bitwise-or MQ with accumulator
MQL 2 load MQ from accum., then clear accum.
Some common combinations have mnemonics of their own
CIA CMA IAC Complement and increment accumulator
(two’s-complement negation)
LAS CLA OSR Load accumulator from switch register
STL CLL CML Set the link
GLK CLA RAL Get the link (into accumulator LSB)
CAM CLA MQL Clear accumulator and multiplier/quotient
SWP MQA MQL Swap accumulator and multiplier/quotient
ACL CLA MQA Load accumulator from multiplier/quotient
Other Instructions
NOP 7000 No operation.
BSW e.g., 7002 (Bits 3, 8 and 9 clear; bit 10 set.) Swap 6-bit bytes in accumulator.
SKP e.g., 7410 (Bits 5, 6, 7 and 11 clear; bits 3 and 8 set.) Unconditional skip.

Here’s a cute little PDP-8 program.

Location Contents Instruction
0004 1005 TAD 5
0005 3410 DCA I 10
0006 5004 JMP 4
0007 5404 JMP I 4
0010 0011 (data)
0011 2010 ISZ 10

This program clears all memory in the current instruction field, including itself, to zero.

It’s not an algorithm because it doesn’t halt. Also, it doesn’t work in general...at one point it tries to execute the undefined 7777 instruction, which originally was effectively a no-op, but could hang later processors with some EAE models.

Here’s one possible version of HELLO, WORLD.

Location Contents Instruction Comments
0000 7200 CLA Get next character
0001 1410 TAD I 10
0002 7450 SNA Null byte?
0003 7402 HLT Yes: halt
0004 6046 TLS No: print it
0005 6041 TSF Wait for printing done
0006 5005 JMP 5
0007 5000 JMP 0 Loop
0010 0010 Next char addr in auto-increment location
0011 0110 ’H’  
0012 0105 ’E’
0013 0114 ’L’
0014 0114 ’L’
0015 0117 ’O’
0016 0054 ’,’
0017 0040 ’ ’
0020 0127 ’W’
0021 0117 ’O’
0022 0122 ’R’
0023 0114 ’L’
0024 0104 ’D’
0025 0056 ’.’
0026 0015 (CR) It takes three character times
at 300 baud to physically return
the carriage on an ASR338-)
0027 0012 (LF)
0030 0377 (RUBOUT)
0031 0000 (NUL)  

An important part of the PDP-8 canon is the program called the RIM loader.

This program, which would be toggled into the computer with the front-panel switches, loads a program into memory from a paper tape in “RIM” format (address, data, address, data). The program most commonly loaded would be the BIN loader, which loads yet another paper tape in the more efficient, and more interesting, “BIN” format described below.

Toggle in the RIM loader, load the BIN loader, load your program. Bootstrap loaders are for sissies. 8-)

12-bit addresses and data would be represented by the 6 LSBs of pairs of consecutive characters, with addresses identified by a 1 in the next-to-most significant bit of the first character in the pair. Thus, addresses were pairs of characters of the form, 01 xxx xxx/00 xxx xxx; data were 00 xxx xxx/00 xxx xxx pairs. Any character with a 1 in the MSB, if read when expecting the first character of a pair, would simply be ignored. This allowed manually making corrections with RUBOUTs (11 111 111).

Here’s what might be on a paper tape to load location 12348 with the number 55338:

Binary Octal Notes
01 001 010 112 First byte of address
has bit 1 (from left) set
00 011 100 034
11 111 111 377 RUBOUT rubs out a mistake I made
00 101 101 055 The two bytes of data
00 011 011 033

Following is the version for the low-speed paper tape reader attached to the teletype. Like the first program above, it never halts, but just gets stuck in a tight loop when the tape ends. You hit the front panel STOP switch when it’s done.

Location Contents Instruction Comments
7756 6032 KCC Clear accumulator and keyboard flag;
begin reading next paper tape position
7757 6031 KSF Wait for next character
7760 5357 JMP 7757
7761 6036 KRB Clear accumulator and read 8 bits;
begin reading next paper tape position
7762 7106 CLL RTL Shift left 4 bits
7763 7006 RTL
7764 7510 SPA MSB zero?
7765 5357 JMP 7757 No, ignore (probably a RUBOUT)
7766 7006 RTL 7 LSBs now in link and upper 6 accumulator bits
(if link set, first 6-bit byte of address, else data)
7767 6031 KSF Wait for next byte
7770 5367 JMP 7767
7771 6034 KRS Bitwise-or second byte into lower 6 bits
7772 7420 SNL Address or data?
7773 3776 DCA I 7776 Store data
7774 3376 DCA 7776 Store address (if data, new address follows anyway)
7775 5356 JMP 7756  
7776 ----   Temp. storage for address
7777 (reserved for BIN loader’s starting address)

Here’s the high-speed reader version. Note the tricky code at location 7765: since this modifies the saved address, sequences of error-erasing RUBOUTs must begin with addresses. An early version instead had a CLA in location 7755, which was neither necessary (the front-panel START switch clears the accumulator) nor correct (too many RCFs when looping because of a RUBOUT); but this explains why the BIN loader doesn’t use 7755.

Location Contents Instruction Comments
7756 6014 RCF Clear high-speed reader flag;
begin reading next paper tape position
7757 6011 RSF Wait for next character
7760 5357 JMP 7757
7761 6016 RRB RCF Read character; clear flag and
begin reading next paper tape position
7762 7106 CLL RTL Shift left 4 bits
7763 7006 RTL
7764 7510 SPA MSB zero?
7765 5374 JMP 7774 No, ignore (probably a RUBOUT)
Tricky code: since RCF doesn’t clear the AC,
we JMP to a DCA and then loop.
7766 7006 RTL 7 LSBs now in link and upper 6 accumulator bits
(if link set, first 6-bit byte of address, else data)
7767 6011 RSF Wait for next byte
7770 5367 JMP 7767
7771 6016 RRB RCF Bitwise-or second byte into lower 6 bits; clear flag
and begin reading next paper tape position
7772 7420 SNL Address or data?
7773 3776 DCA I 7776 Store data
7774 3376 DCA 7776 Store address (if data, new address follows anyway)
7775 5357 JMP 7757  
7776 ----   Temp. storage for address
7777 (reserved for BIN loader’s starting address)

The BIN loader is somewhat more interesting.

The canonical starting address is 7777 which just contains a JMP instruction to the actual initialization code. After loading the BIN loader, you stick the paper tape for your program in the reader, load address 7777, maybe turn off the most significant front-panel switch if you’re using the high-speed reader, then hit the START switch.

In addition to the 1xx/0xx address characters and 0xx/0xx data characters also recognized by the RIM loader, the BIN loader recognizes:

2xx characters are simply ignored until an address or data is encountered. Once past the first address or data, the next 2xx will cause a branch to the shutdown code, and the previous pair of characters won’t be stored, but rather will be interpreted as a checksum.

Folks who like tricky, self-modifying spaghetti code will appreciate some parts of the BIN loader:

/ Uninitialized temp. storage:
7612 ----	/ RUBOUT flag (always 0 or 7777)
7613 ----	/ current CDF instruction
7614 ----	/ most recent input char
7615 ----	/ checksum
7616 ----	/ current address

/ 7617 through 7625 unused

/ The following subroutine reads the first character of a pair.
/ It ignores anything between pairs of RUBOUTs and handles changing the data field.
/ Tricky code:  if it reads a header or trailer (2xx), it just returns normally,
/ which gets to a JMP instruction that just loops right back (header) or jumps to
/ the halt code (trailer); otherwise, for an address or data byte (the usual case),
/ it ISZs its return address to get past that JMP.
7626 ----		/ return address

7627 3212 DCA 7612	/ AC 0 on entry...reset RUBOUT flag

7630 4260 JMS 7660	/ read a char into AC and 7614
7631 1300 TAD 7700	/ why add HLT instruction?  because it happens to be -376
7632 7750 SPA SNA CLA	/ was the char 377 (RUBOUT)?
7633 5237 JMP 7637	/ no
7634 2212 ISZ 7612	/ yes, was RUBOUT flag 7777?
7635 7040 CMA		/ no, make AC 7777 to store in RUBOUT flag
7636 5227 JMP 7627	/ else leave AC 0; and in any event, loop storing RUBOUT flag

7637 1212 TAD 7612	/ char was not RUBOUT; get RUBOUT flag
7640 7640 SZA CLA	/ even number of RUBOUTs?
7641 5230 JMP 7630	/ no, ignore until we get another

7642 1214 TAD 7614	/ get char
7643 0274 AND 7674	/ mask 0300 (two MSBs of char)
7644 1341 TAD 7741	/ why add group-2 CLA?  because it happens to be -200
7645 7510 SPA		/ at least 0200?
7646 2226 ISZ 7626	/ no, increment return address (can’t skip)
7647 7750 SPA SNA CLA	/ at least 0300?
7650 5626 JMP I 7626	/ no, return
			/ yes, data field request:
7651 1214 TAD 7614	/ get char
7652 0256 AND 7656	/ mask mem. field bits
7653 1257 TAD 7657	/ make new CDF instruction
7654 3213 DCA 7613	/ save it for later
7655 5230 JMP 7630

/ Static data:
7656 0070		/ memory field bit mask
7657 6201 CDF 0		/ archetypal CDF instruction

/ The following subroutine reads the next character from the paper tape
/ into the accumulator and location 7614.
7660 ----		/ return address

7661 ----		/ will become JMP 7662 low-speed or JMP 7670 high-speed

7662 6031 KSF
7663 5262 JMP 7662	/ wait for low-speed reader
7664 6036 KRB		/ read a byte, begin reading next

7665 3214 DCA 7614	/ save byte
7666 1214 TAD 7614	/ get it back in AC
7667 5660 JMP I 7660	/ return

7670 6011 RSF
7671 5270 JMP 7670	/ wait for high-speed reader
7672 6016 RRB RCF	/ read a byte, begin reading next
7673 5265 JMP 7665

/ More data:
7674 0300		/ mask for two MSBs of char

/ The end game:
7675 4343 JMS 7743	/ assemble two 6-bit chars
7676 7041 CIA		/ negate
7677 1215 TAD 7615	/ add checksum
7700 7402 HLT		/ checksum (presumably zero) visible
			/ in front-panel accumulator lights

/ Initialization:
7701 6032 KCC		/ clear AC, reset LS and HS reader flags,
7702 6014 RCF		/ and begin reading (don’t know from which yet)

7703 6214 RDF		/ current data field into AC(6-8)
7704 1257 TAD 7657	/ make CDF instruction
7705 3213 DCA 7613	/ save it for later

7706 7604 LAS		/ read front-panel switches into AC
7707 7700 SMA CLA	/ high-speed reader?
7710 1353 TAD 7753	/ yes, add 6
7711 1352 TAD 7752	/ add JMP 7662
7712 3261 DCA 7661	/ save either JMP 7662 or JMP 7670

7713 4226 JMS 7626	/ read 1st char
7714 5313 JMP 7713	/ loop until subr. ISZs its return addr.

/ Here begins the main loop.  The accumulator will be 0, thus initializing
/ the checksum, when we fall through from the startup code immediately above.
7715 3215 DCA 7615	/ store checksum

7716 1213 TAD 7613	/ get CDF instruction
7717 3336 DCA 7736	/ save it

7720 1214 TAD 7614	/ get input char
7721 3354 DCA 7754	/ save it
7722 4260 JMS 7660	/ read 2nd char into AC and 7614
7723 3376 DCA 7776	/ save it

7724 4226 JMS 7626	/ read another 1st char
7725 5275 JMP 7675	/ if subr. didn’t ISZ its return addr., goto halt code

7726 4343 JMS 7743	/ assemble two 6-bit chars.
7727 7420 SNL		/ address?
7730 5336 JMP 7736	/ no
7731 3216 DCA 7616	/ yes, save addr.

7732 1354 TAD 7754	/ add 1st char
7733 1376 TAD 7776	/ add 2nd char
7734 1215 TAD 7615	/ add previous checksum
7735 5315 JMP 7715	/ loop

7736 ----		/ becomes CDF whatever
7737 3616 DCA I 7616	/ store data
7740 2216 ISZ 7616	/ next address
7741 7600 CLA		/ Tricky code:  we need a no-op here that the ISZ can skip
			/ if the address we just loaded happens to be 7777.  A CLA
			/ will do because it doesn’t do anything that the DCA hasn’t
			/ already done; and a group-2 CLA happens to have the value,
			/ -200, which is used above.
7742 5332 JMP 7732	/ go figure new checksum

/ The following subroutine assembles two characters into a 12-bit word
/ with the address indicator bit in the link.
7743 ----
7744 1354 TAD 7754
7745 7106 CLL RTL
7746 7006 RTL
7747 7006 RTL
7750 1376 TAD 7776
7751 5743 JMP I 7743

/ More data:
7752 5262 JMP 7662	/ JMP instruction for selecting low-speed reader
7753 0006		/ augend for above JMP’s address for high-speed reader
7754 ----		/ temp. storage for 1st char

/ 7755 through 7775 reserved for RIM loader

7776 ----		/ temp. storage for 2nd char (shared by RIM loader)
7777 5301 JMP 7701

PDP-8 Internals

This author was a wires-and-pliers guy when he first encountered the PDP-8. He’s a programmer now, in no small part because of the fun he had with the PDP-8 8-); but he retains an interest in how things really work. (OK, not “really” down to the quantum level; but you know what’s meant.)

The Hardware Registers

Name Size
Description Use
PC 12 Program Counter Holds address of next instruction
MA 12 Memory Address Register Holds address of memory location currently being accessed
MB 12 Memory Buffer All data in and out of memory go through this register
IR 3 Instruction Register Saves instruction opcodes across major states
DF 3 Data Field Upper three bits of 15-bit address when indirectly accessing data
IF 3 Instruction Field Upper three bits of 15-bit address when fetching instructions
or directly accessing data
IB 3 Instruction Buffer Holds new IF until next JMP or JMS
AC 12 Accumulator Where arithmetic happens
L 1 Link Overflow bit for accumulator
MQ 12 Multiplier/Quotient Register Optional fast storage for partial products, etc.

The Six Major States

(Each corresponds to a magnetic core memory read-write cycle.)

FETCH Fetch instruction; execute I/O instructions, microinstructions and JMP direct.
DEFER Get indirect addresses; execute JMP indirect.
EXECUTE Execute memory-reference instructions other than JMP.
WC Word count
CA Current address
B Break (data transfer)


Flow diagrams for: The flow diagrams show basically what happens when one of the START, LOAD ADD, DEP, EXAM or CONT switches is pressed, when an instruction is executed, or when a peripheral does a “data break” (like DMA, but under control of the processor, not the peripheral).

The Arrow Symbols on the Diagrams
1 —> flip-flop
0 —> flip-flop
Set or clear the flip-flop
0 —> register Clear the register
+1 —> register Increment the contents of the register
regx —> regy Bitwise-or regx into regy
regx -j-> regy (Actually a solid arrow with an overstruck ‘j’)
“Jam transfer” (transfer both 1s and 0s)

When one of the switches is pressed, things happen at one of four times, SP0 through SP3. Everything shown at a particular time basically begins at the same time and takes a non-zero amount of time to complete; so, for example, when we see PC-j->MA and +1—>PC both at SP1, MA gets the value that was in PC before the incrementing.

Note that most register-to-register transfers are bitwise-ors, which made the hardware cheaper to build; so, for example, when we load the program counter from the switch register, we first clear PC at SP1, then or-transfer SR into PC at SP2. Note also that the DEP and EXAM switches, after initializing some registers, run the EXECUTE major state of a DCA or a TAD, respectively.

When a program is running, things happen on each edge of a two-phase clock. The four times, called T1A, T1B, T2A and T2B, correspond to the horizontal dotted lines (or the bottom of the page in the case of T2B) on the flow diagram.

The basic idea for a core memory read-restore cycle (i.e., “major state”):

In more detail: Some I/O instructions would set a “pause” flip-flop that would temporarily halt the clock, and thus memory cycles, to allow time for signals to propagate between the CPU and its peripherals, or for the peripherals to do some task that took more than one memory cycle to complete.

A Simple Example:

Let’s say we’ve loaded the program:
	0200	7001	IAC
	0201	1250	TAD 250
	0202	7402	HLT
	0250	0005
Here’s some of what happens when we set the switch register to 0200 then hit LOAD ADD and START. (Changes are shown with a gray background. Core memory destructive read/restore not shown.)

Operation Time RUN Major
PC MA (MA) MB IR AC Comments
LOAD ADD SP0 0 - ---- ----   ---- - ---- 0—>RUN
SP1 0 - 0000 ----   ---- - ---- 0—>PC
SP2 0 - 0200 ----   ---- - ---- SR—>PC
SP3 0 - 0200 ----   ---- - ----  
START SP0 0 - 0200 ----   ---- - ---- 0—>RUN
SP1 0 FETCH 0200 0200 7001 0000 0 0000 0—>AC; 0—>MB; 0—>IR; 1—>F; PC-j->MA
SP2 0 FETCH 0200 0200 7001 0000 0 0000 Get ready for memory cycles
SP3 1 FETCH 0200 0200 7001 0000 0 0000 1—>RUN
IAC T1A 1 FETCH 0200 0200 7001 7001 7 0000 (MA)—>MB; MB(0—2)transitions—>IR
T1B 1 FETCH 0201 0200 7001 7001 7 0000 +1—>PC
T2A 1 FETCH 0201 0201 1250 7001 7 0000 PC-j->MA
T2B 1 FETCH 0201 0201 1250 0000 0 0001 +1—>AC; 0—>MB; 0—>IR; 1—>F
TAD 250 T1A 1 FETCH 0201 0201 1250 1250 1 0001 (MA)—>MB; MB(0—2)transitions—>IR
T1B 1 FETCH 0202 0201 1250 1250 1 0001 +1—>PC
T2A 1 FETCH 0202 0250 0005 1250 1 0001 MB(5—11)-j->MA
T2B 1 EXECUTE 0202 0250 0005 0000 1 0001 0—>MB; 1—>E
T1A 1 EXECUTE 0202 0250 0005 0005 1 0001 (MA)—>MB;
T1B 1 EXECUTE 0202 0250 0005 0005 1 0004 MB half add to AC
T2A 1 EXECUTE 0202 0202 7402 0005 1 0004 PC-j->MA
T2B 1 FETCH 0202 0202 7402 0000 0 0006 AC carry; 0—>MB; 0—>IR; 1—>F
HLT T1A 1 FETCH 0202 0202 7402 7402 7 0006 (MA)—>MB; MB(0—2)transitions—>IR
T1B 0 FETCH 0203 0202 7402 7402 7 0006 +1—>PC; 0—>RUN
T2A 0 FETCH 0203 0203   7402 7 0006 PC-j->MA
T2B 0 FETCH 0203 0203   0000 0 0006 0—>MB; 0—>IR; 1—>F

For more information, see Chapter 2 of the PDP-8 Maintenance Manual.

All suggestions and corrections will be welcome; all flames will be amusing.
Mail to was at pobox dot com.